The 5-door Mahindra Thar Roxx 4x4 SUV made its India debut on August 15 earlier this year and now the company has finally started taking bookings for its new SUV. Mahindra dealerships are already offering test drives to prospective customers and deliveries will begin in little over a week from now, during Dusshera 2024. Prices of the Mahindra Thar Roxx start from Rs. 12.99 lakh and go up to Rs. 22.49 lakh for the top-spec variant. Mahindra will offer 4x4 only on its diesel engine trims and both petrol and diesel models will have RWD options.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Roxx Review
Mahindra recently introduced a new Mocha interior trim option for the Thar Roxx. Do keep in mind, this colour is exclusively available to buyers of the 4X4 variants, which are available from the MX5 trim onwards. Buyers will have the option of choosing from both interior options at the time of booking. There will be no extra cost for the dark interior; however, the wait will be longer. Deliveries of the Thar Roxx with Mocha Brown interior will start at the end of January 2025.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Roxx Full Variant-Wise Prices Revealed
The Thar Roxx is available in nearly a dozen trims - MX1, MX3, MX5, AX3, AX5, and AX7. It also gets the option of two drivetrains - 4X2 and 4X4. In addition, there are two transmission choices - 6-speed MT and 6-speed, along with two engine choices - 2.0-litre turbo-petrol and 2.2-litre turbo-diesel.
The petrol engine on the Thar Roxx makes 175 bhp of max power and 380 Nm of peak torque. Now, the petrol engine gets a 6-speed manual and a 6-speed automatic gearbox option and is only rear-wheel driven. The petrol Thar has four variants - MX1, MX5, MX3 and AX7 L. The MX5 is the only variant which gets both manual and automatic options. The official ARAI certified fuel efficiency of the petrol engine is 12.4 kmpl.
Also Read: New Interior Colour Option On Mahindra Thar Roxx
The diesel engine makes 152 bhp and 330 Nm on the 4x2 variant and 173 bhp and 370 Nm on the 4x4 variants. There are a total of seven diesel variants - MX1, MX3, MX5, AX3 L, AX 5L and AX7 L. The diesel engine offers claimed fuel efficiency of 15.2 kmpl. Do bear in mind that these are claimed figures. The real-world fuel economy figures will be comparatively lesser. Interestingly, the Thar 3-door also boasts the same fuel efficiency figures.