Mahindra & Mahindra launched the Thar Roxx in August 2024. Now, the SUV has been subjected to a price hike announced by the automaker in December 2024. The brand has changed the vehicle's price list to tackle inflation and rising input costs. The changes in the prices range between 0.48 percent and 2.86 percent, which in monetary terms is up to Rs 60,000 depending on the variant. Here are all the details of the changes in the price list.
The changes for the petrol-powered versions of the Mahindra Thar Roxx have been made only Ffor the top-of-the-line AX7 L AT. Specifically, the prices of this variant have been increased by up to Rs 50,000, bringing the price of the vehicle to Rs 20.49 lakh (ex-showroom). This translates to an increase of 2.50 percent. Meanwhile, the prices of the other petrol variants are the same. Hence, the car SUV continues to have a starting price of Rs 12.99 lakh (ex-showroom).
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Following the same pattern, the prices of the base variants of the diesel-powered Thar Roxx remain unchanged. It continues to be sold at a starting price of Rs 13.99 lakh (ex-showroom) for MX1 MT. Meanwhile, a few variants are now dearer. For instance, the MX5 MT 4x4 variants now come at Rs 19.09 lakh (ex-showroom), which is a hike of Rs 30,000 or 1.60 per cent. Similarly, the AX5 L AT 4x4 is now expensive by Rs 10,000 and has a price tag of Rs 21.09 lakh (ex-showroom).
In the top-tier trims, the diesel AX7 L MT variant has received a hike of Rs 50,000 and is now priced at Rs 19.49 lakh (ex-showroom). The AX7 L MT 4x4 has seen the maximum hike of Rs 60,000 which translates to 2.86 per cent. It now comes priced at Rs 21.59 lakh (ex-showroom). The AX7 L AT variant has received a hike of Rs 50,000 bringing its price to Rs 20.99 lakh (ex-showroom). The AX7 L AT 4x4 has also received a hike of Rs 60,000 making its price Rs 23.09 lakh (ex-showroom).
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