The Mahindra Thar Roxx is all set to be launched on August 15, 2024. And Mahindra dropped a new video which reveals more details when it comes to styling differences. The new Thar 5-door will be significantly longer and have two extra doors along and longer wheelbase too. The new Mahindra SUV gets revised LED headlights, a newly designed grille, circular fog lights and redesigned taillights. The ORVMs are dual tone, which adds a touch of premium feel to the SUV.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar 5-Door SUV Name Revealed
The new video shows that the alloys are newly designed, door handles are blacked out and the rear section sees new design elements as well. The Thar 5-door's engine choices are likely to include a 2.0L turbo-petrol motor and a 2.2L diesel engine options. There will be both 6-speed manual and 6-speed automatic transmission choices on offer. The Thar Roxx will have a 4x4 drivetrain, comprising a low-ratio gearbox, mechanical locking differential on the rear axle, and brake-locking front axle. Mahindra could also offer a two-wheel drive variant(s), to keep prices competitive.
The prices for the Mahindra Thar 5-door could start from around Rs 13 lakh and top out at around Rs 25 lakh, ex-showroom. It will go up against the Force Gurkha 5-door and the Maruti Suzuki Jimny. All three SUVs will have different price points with significant overlap.
More details will be revealed as the SUV gets launched on August 15, 2024.
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