Mahindra & Mahindra ventured into a new era with the launch of its first-born electric EVs in the Indian market in November 2024. This came in the form of the BE 6 and the XEV 9e which were launched at a starting price Rs 18.90 lakh (ex-showroom) and Rs 21.90 lakh (ex-showroom), respectively. At the time, the brand refrained from revealing the variant-wise prices of the electric SUV. Continuing with the same, the Indian manufacturer has revealed the price of top variant of both the electric vehicles for consumers in the country. While still holding back the prices of the rest of the variants.
The brand has now revealed the prices of the top-variant of the Mahindra BE 6 and the XEV 9e. As per the latest announcement, the BE 6 will be sold in three variants: Pack One, Pack Two, and Pack Three. Specifically, the BE 6 Pack Three will be sold at Rs 26.90 lakh (ex-showroom). The brand is planning on opening the bookings for the BE 6 Pack Three on February 14 while the test drives will begin from 14 Jan.
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The Mahindra XEV 9e will also have three variants: Pack One, Pack Two, and Pack Three. Among these, the top of the range Pack 3 will be sold at Rs 30.50 lakh (ex-showroom) and bookings will begin on February 14.
Mahindra BE 6
It is to be noted that the Mahindra BE 6 is the smaller of the two and comes with a 79 kWh battery pack. The version with this unit offers an ARAI-certified range of 682 km on a single charge. Once fully drained, the battery can be charged from 20 to 80 percent within 20 minutes via a 175 kW DC fast charger. The consumers also have the option of a 59 kWh battery pack that offers an ARAI-certified range of 535 km on a single charge.
The electric SUV will come loaded with multiple paint scheme options including: Firestorm Orange, Stealth Black, Everest White, Tango Red, Desert Myst, Desert Myst Satin, Deep Forest, and Everest White Satin. Along with this, the EV gets a long list of features with elements like dual-screen setup, flat bottom two-spoke steering wheel with BE logo, dual-zone climate control, 5G connectivity with in-built Wi-FI, OTA updates, Level 2 ADAS, and more.
Mahindra XEV 9e
The Mahindra XEV 9e uses the same INGLO platform and gets a 79 kWh battery pack which offers an ARAI-certified range of 656 km on a single charge. This power from the battery pack is transferred to an electric motor which puts out 286 bhp of power and 380 Nm of torque at the peak of its performance. Using this power, the electric SUV can go from 0-100 kmph in merely 6.8 seconds. The brand also has the option of a 59 kWh battery pack which powers a 231 hp electric motor and offers a range of 542 km on a single charge.
The Mahindra XEV 9e will be available with eight paint scheme options: Everest White, Stealth Black, Nebula Blue, Tango Red, Ruby Velvet, Stealth Black, Deep Forest, and Desert Myst. Along with this, the top variant comes brimming with tons of features like a three-screen setup with each unit measuring 12.3-inches, VR HUD, seven airbags, 360 degree camera, driver initiated auto lane change, and more.
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