Mercedes-Benz India has launched the electric G-Class which is officially called the G 580 with EQ Technology. Launched in limited "Edition One", the electric SUV comes priced at Rs 3 crore (ex-showroom). The electric SUV carries forward the legacy of its ICE counterpart. So much so, that the brand claims that the "uncompromised" machine can even outperform its combustion-engine sibling in terms of off-road performance. This seems to be true in terms of popularity as well because the SUV is sold out till Q3 2025.
Mercedes-Benz G 580: Design
Visually the G 580 is very similar to the G 450d. The unique elements of the electric SUV can be seen in the form of its closed-off panel with illuminated surroundings. All of this is dominated by a massive-looking Mercedes-Benz emblem placed at the centre that is complemented by horizontal slats.
Also Read: Mercedes-Benz EQS 450 Launched At Rs 1.28 Crore, Run 820 Km On A Charge
The brand has incorporated elements in the design which are aimed at improving the aerodynamics. These elements can be seen in the form of a slightly raised bonnet, air curtains in the rear wheel arches, a modified A-pillar, and a new design for the rear spoiler. All of it results in a drag coefficient of 0.44 which is less than 0.48Cd of G450d.
The side profile of the SUV shows redesigned alloy wheels with a familiar silhouette. The rear end gets either the tailgate-mounted spare wheel or a square storage box for charging cables and tools.
Mercedes-Benz G 580: Features, Interior
On the inside, the electric SUV gets a layout very similar to its internal combustion counterpart. Attracting the most attention are dual 12.3-inch screens which serve as an instrument cluster and infotainment system. There is also the signature grab handle and a host of features like MBUX infotainment system, the transparent bonnet feature, a 360-degree camera, and more. Along with all of this, it also gets the 360-degree turn a.k.a. the G-Turn.
Mercedes-Benz G 580: Range, Powertrain
The Mercedes-Benz G580 is powered by four electric motors one for each wheel. Each of these units produce 147 hp and a combined output of 587 hp and 1,165 Nm of peak torque. All of these motors get a separate 2-speed gearbox. The power produced by these motors is used to propel the SUV from 0-100 kmph in 4.7 seconds. Meanwhile, the top-speed is limited to 180 kmph. The SUV uses a 116 kWh battery pack which offers a range of 473 km on a single charge. It can be charged using a 200 kW charger in 32 min.