JSW MG Motor India recently started teasing the MG Cyberster for its debut in India. The series of teasers has ended with the brand taking the covers off the electric sports car. Scheduled to debut at the 2025 Bharat Mobility Global Expo, it will be the brand's first product to be retailed through the MG Select premium retail channel. As per the automaker, the Cyberster carries the brand's legacy and is inspired by the 1960s MG B Roadster.
The brand's electric sports car has an aggressive, low-slung design with sleek, swept-back LED headlamps. This contributes to its typical sports car look with an edgy front fascia. Along with this, the brand has given the car front vents, which push air to cool down the battery. Adding to all of this are the scissor doors of the brand, which are reminiscent of the old sports car. The rear end of the car speaks the same language with C-shaped LED tail lights with connected lights and arrow-shaped indicators.
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On the inside, the MG Cyberster gets a flat-bottom steering wheel, which gets multiple controls and three wraparound digital displays. The center console of the car is equipped with an additional screen along with physical buttons for various things like the roof mechanism, drive selector, and HVAC control. Inspired by a waterfall, it features a grab handle that forms a partition between the driver and the passenger areas.
Under the aesthetic design, the two-seater electric car gets dual electric motors placed on each axle, transferring power to all wheels. Put together, these put out 528 bhp of power and 725 Nm of peak torque. This power can be used to accelerate the car to 0-100 kmph in 3.2 seconds. All of the power needed by the battery is stored in the 77 kWh lithium-ion battery pack which offers a range of up to 570 km.