Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, who has recently been in the headlines because of his upcoming movie "Deva" has expanded his collection of luxury cars. The latest addition to this collection comes in the form of the Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 Night Series which was launched in India at a starting price of Rs 3.71 crore (ex-showroom). It is to be noted that this version of the luxury SUV sits on the top of the Maybach GLS range and is around Rs 25 lakh more expensive than the standard version. To justify its price, the vehicle gets multiple aesthetic upgrades over the standard version.
The unique GLS 600 Night Series now in Shahid Kapoor's garage can be identified by its unique dual-tone paint scheme. It has a combination of Mojave Silver and Onyx Black covering the upper and lower half of the SUV, respectively. Furthermore, the German brand has added multiple blacked-out exterior elements to the mix while the headlights get rose gold inserts. To go with the theme, the SUV gets all-black Maybach-spec 22-inch wheels.
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On the inside, the Maybach GLS 600 Night Series comes with a similar blacked-out theme. This can be seen in the form of the bespoke Nappa leather with wood and aluminum accents used for the seats. This is complemented by tech like 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment system, 64-colour ambient lighting, 27-speaker sound system, and more.
Although the new Night Series version of the GLS 600 is a very unique vehicle it is not the first of its kind in Shahid Kapoor's collection. It is worth mentioning that the actor has two other vehicles with the Maybach badge in his garage. Specifically, he owns a standard version of the Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 and a Maybach S580 sedan.
Powering Shahid Kapoor's Maybach GLS 600 Night Series is a 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 petrol engine that produces 550 hp of power. This unit is supported by a 48 V mild-hybrid setup, which adds a boost of 250 Nm to put out 770 Nm of torque. All of this works in conjunction with a 9-speed automatic transmission powering all four wheels. Using this power, the SUV can go from 0-100kph in 4.9 seconds.
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