Skoda India launched the Kylaq a few weeks ago, with an introductory price of Rs. 7.89 lakh for the Classic variant. The company has now revealed the full variant-wise pricing of the car. The Kylaq will be offered in four variants: Classic, Signature, Signature+, and Prestige. The Signature variant is priced at Rs. 9.59 lakh for the manual and Rs. 10.59 lakh for the automatic variant. The Signature+ variant retails for Rs. 11.40 lakh for the manual and Rs. 12.40 lakh for the automatic variant. The top-spec Prestige manual is priced at Rs. 13.35 lakh and the Prestige automatic variant is priced at Rs. 14.40 lakh (all prices ex-showroom India). Bookings for the Kylaq open today, and deliveries will commence on January 27, 2025.
Watch: Skoda Kylaq - Pricing And Market Strategy | NDTV Auto
As a special offer, Skoda will provide a complimentary 3-year standard maintenance package for the first 33,333 customers. The company claims that this will reduce maintenance costs to just Rs. 0.20/km over the first five years of ownership. The sub 4m SUV has been rigorously tested over 8 lakh km - a distance greater than a round trip to the moon. The Kylaq is available in seven colours: Tornado Red, Brilliant Silver, Candy White, Carbon Steel, Lava Blue, Deep Black, and Olive Gold.
Powering the Kylaq is a 1.0-litre, 3-cylinder TSI petrol engine that produces 114 hp and 178 Nm of torque. It is offered with either a 6-speed manual or a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission.
The top-spec Prestige AT variant is packed with features, including LED projector headlamps, a sunroof, 17-inch dual-tone alloy wheels, ambient lighting, ventilated seats with 6-way power adjustment, paddle shifters, and more. Standard safety features include six airbags, ABS with EBD, rear parking sensors, ESC, and tilt-and-telescopic steering adjustment.
The Skoda Kylaq comes with a standard warranty of 3 years or 1 lakh km. It competes with the likes of the Maruti Brezza, Mahindra XUV 3XO, Hyundai Venue, and Kia Sonet.