Two days after a 55-year-old Bescom engineer went missing, his decomposed body was traced in Tamil Nadu in the wee hours of Thursday. Bangalore city police arrested five men, including the main accused Vijay Kumar, who was working as a wire man with the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP). The incident came to light after the engineer's family filed a complaint with the police about receiving a ransom call from the abductors.
Investigations revealed that the kidnappers made the ransom call after killing the victim. "The accused wanted to dump the victim's body. Which is why after killing the engineer, he informed his wife and using their own vehicle, he transported the body to Tamil Nadu," Shankar Bidari, city police commissioner said.
The police had earlier hoped to rescue the victim alive, as the investigation had begun by Wednesday morning. An investigating officer said, "We got the call details and based on suspicion by the family, we traced the accused. By the time we arrested the accused, we received information about the car being abandoned in Tamil Nadu. The body was also found in the well near a famous temple in Melmaruvathur district."
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Investigations revealed that the kidnappers made the ransom call after killing the victim. "The accused wanted to dump the victim's body. Which is why after killing the engineer, he informed his wife and using their own vehicle, he transported the body to Tamil Nadu," Shankar Bidari, city police commissioner said.
The police had earlier hoped to rescue the victim alive, as the investigation had begun by Wednesday morning. An investigating officer said, "We got the call details and based on suspicion by the family, we traced the accused. By the time we arrested the accused, we received information about the car being abandoned in Tamil Nadu. The body was also found in the well near a famous temple in Melmaruvathur district."
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