This Article is From Dec 25, 2010

Bangalore techie murder: 1 arrested

Bangalore: Bangalore police say they have found the man who killed 29-year-old Dell employee Payal Surekha, in her home in south Bangalore last week.

The man who has been arrested, Chaudhary James Kumar Roy, was a former partner in the gym run by Payal's husband in Cuttack. He had been fired from the gym for alleged financial irregularities.

"Because Smt Surekha used to give advice against him to her husband Anant Mishra, and because he was terminated from the partnership at the gym at Cuttack, James wanted to take revenge against Payal Surekha. On 17th morning, with the avowed intention of killing Smt Payal Surekha, he came to Bangalore in a bus, purchased a sharp new knife in Majestic area of Bangalore city and from there he proceeded to JP Nagar, rang the bell of the service apartment in which the victim was staying," said Bangalore Police Commissioner Shankar Bidari.

Police say after gaining entry, James stabbed Payal to death and took Payal's laptop to make it look like a murder for gain. He then hired a taxi to travel back to Hyderabad where he was living.

It was a murder investigation that was being closely watched - and the Bangalore police now say they have the man who killed young Payal Surekha in their custody. On the day of the murder itself, the police said that the victim probably knew the attacker. And if James is found guilty, the Bangalore police would have been right.