The Bengaluru City Police rescued an 11-year-old child within 24 hours of his abduction from the heart of the city, and arrested all the kidnappers, including the main conspirator who was shot at after he attacked the police personnel.
"They put a sharp object on my throat and forced me to have cold drink after which I fainted," said the boy, who was lured away from his home with a kite on Thursday.
The kidnappers took the child from the centrally located Shivaji Nagar to Ulsoor, around 5 kilometres away, where their accomplices were waiting in a car, the police said. The child was then taken to Tumakuru city, about 75 kilometres away from Bengaluru, they said.
The next morning, the child's family who own and operate a business, got a note from kidnappers demanding Rs 2 crore as ransom for his safe release.
As the family had already filed a missing person's complaint, Additional Commissioner of Police (East) S Murugan formed a few teams, which zeroed in on the identity and location of two of the six kidnappers using technological surveillance.
The police said their teams raided these locations and arrested the kidnappers, who told them about the Tumakuru hideout. Three kidnappers who were present at the hideout tried to escape, but were overpowered after a brief chase and the child was rescued, the police said.
On sustained interrogation, the kidnappers gave details about the kingpin and his house in Bengaluru was raided, the police said.
"When he saw our team, he not only tried to escape, but attacked policemen as well. Our team also opened fire in self defence. The main conspirator is injured, but safe," Police Commissioner Kamal Pant said.
According to the police, all the six kidnappers are from Bengaluru, and one among them has a criminal record.
The kidnappers seemed to have checked the family's background as they had all details about every member of the family and their immediate relatives, the police said.
"It's his new life for all of us," the boy's mother, Asma, said.
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