Bengaluru once again witnessed heavy rain on Wednesday night which flooded parts of city. Waterlogging, damage to civic infrastructure and power outage were reported from various areas and the weather office issued a yellow alert in the city. Amid this, a video of a flooded basement has been shared on the Internet.
In the clip, uploaded on Twitter, rainwater is seen flooding the basement. “This isn't a river, it's my building's basement,” the caption read.
This is'nt a river,its my building's basement.#bbmp #bengalururains
— Jeeshan Kohli (@JeeshanKohli) October 20, 2022
The video has garnered more than 37k views on the social media platform. Users have expressed their concerns about the situation in the comments section.
Many blamed the poor planning of the building for the waterlogging issue.
No planning what so ever.
— Ajay (@Ajaychennai2) October 20, 2022
Another said, “It must have been built over a lake.”
It must have been built over lake
— ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? (@RxCJVK) October 20, 2022
Echoing a similar thought, “If you build the apartment in Lake what else do you expect?”
If u build the apartment in Lake what else do u expect ?
— Manoj Kulkarni (@Kulkarni_Manoj1) October 20, 2022
“Feel sorry for you, just that nature has its ways of reclaiming,” a comment read.
Feel sorry for you, just that nature has its ways of reclaiming.
— Code Coolie (@srikblr) October 20, 2022
According to the Meteorological Department, rain will continue for the next three days.
The heavy downpour left several roads waterlogged while basements and parking areas were flooded and vehicles were also damaged. The rain started on Wednesday evening, during the peak evening hour, which left many commuters stranded. A wall also collapsed near Majestic damaging several cars parked on the road.
Last month too, Bengaluru was hit by heavy rainfall for three consecutive days, which caused parts of the IT capital to get submerged. Roads, in the area, where global IT companies and start-ups are located were marooned and electricity supplies were knocked out.