A woman in Bengaluru has been arrested for plotting to kill her husband as she was in a relationship with another man, according to a report in Times of India. The woman's mother and three men she hired to get the job done have also been arrested, the report further said, quoting the police. The woman has been identified as 26-year-old Anupallavi, who is married to Naveen Kumar and lives in Doddabidarakallu near Peenya, according to the report. She was arrested as the plan backfired.
Himavanth Kumar, the man Anupallavi was in a relationship with, was the co-conspirator and the duo planned to get Naveen Kumar, a cab driver, killed. They hired three men for the job - Harish, Nagaraju and Mugilan - and promised to pay them Rs 2 lakh. As per Times of India report, they even gave the three men Rs 90,000 as advance. The rest of the money was to be given after Kumar was killed.
On July 23, Harish and his two accomplices kidnapped Naveen Kumar and took him to Tamil Nadu. However, they could not muster the courage and befriended Kumar and ended up partying with him, according to Indian Express.
When Anupallavi and Himavanth Kumar called them to check if the job was done, the accused poured tomato ketchup on Naveen Kumar's body, took pictures and sent them to the duo, the report further said.
After seeing the photos, Himavanth Kumar got scared and died by suicide, the Express report said, quoting police. Naveen Kumar's sister had filed a missing complaint with the police on August 2 but he returned by himself on August 6 and narrated the entire sequence of events to the police, the outlet further said.
When the police checked the phones of Anupallavi and Himavanth Kumar, they found that her mother Ammojamma was also involved and arrested the woman.
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