The BJP-led Karnataka government is likely to submit the 'Action Taken' report to the Lokayukta on Thursday in the illegal mining case. Sources say that the report will not indicate the action taken or proposed to be taken against the former Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa and three former ministers from Bellary named by the Lokayukta for illegal mining.
Karnataka government's view is that then Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde did not follow the principles of natural justice in indicting Yeddyurappa and former ministers Janardhana Reddy, Karunakara Reddy and B Sriramulu.
Mr Yeddyurappa was arrested for alleged illegal denotification of land when he was the chief minister of Karnataka. Janardhana Reddy, former tourism minister, was arrested for alleged illegal mining in Andhra Pradesh and is in a Hyderabad jail.
Except Bellary's Janardhana Reddy who is being probed by the CBI, each of the former and present ministers is being probed by the Lokayukta police, which works independent of the state police.
Karnataka government's view is that then Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde did not follow the principles of natural justice in indicting Yeddyurappa and former ministers Janardhana Reddy, Karunakara Reddy and B Sriramulu.
Mr Yeddyurappa was arrested for alleged illegal denotification of land when he was the chief minister of Karnataka. Janardhana Reddy, former tourism minister, was arrested for alleged illegal mining in Andhra Pradesh and is in a Hyderabad jail.
Except Bellary's Janardhana Reddy who is being probed by the CBI, each of the former and present ministers is being probed by the Lokayukta police, which works independent of the state police.
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