This Article is From Feb 08, 2015

Despite Police Ban, Praveen Togadia Addresses VHP Supporters Via Video in Bengaluru, May Face Action

Despite Police Ban, Praveen Togadia Addresses VHP Supporters Via Video in Bengaluru, May Face Action

VHP working president Praveen Togadia addresses a Bengaluru 'sammelan'


Bengaluru Police said on Sunday that legal action could be taken against the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) for playing a recorded video of its leader Praveen Togadia. The speech was played at a VHP meet in the city.

Mr Togadia, who is the working president of the VHP, was originally scheduled to speak in Bengaluru at the Virat Hindu Samajotsava on Sunday. But the Bengaluru Police had refused his entry into the city for seven days, thereby not allowing him to speak at the event.

The Bengaluru Police had issued prohibitory orders against Mr Togadia asking him not to enter the city limits between February 5 and February 11 of February.

The police had taken this stand because of what they say are the VHP leaders "provocative and inflammatory speeches" that hurt the religious sentiments of other communities.

The police describe Bengaluru as a communally sensitive area, and say that Mr Togadia's speeches could have grave consequences, and create the likelihood of disturbing public tranquility and communal harmony in the city.

