This Article is From Oct 09, 2018

Muslim Teen Wins Quiz On Gita, Says "Don't Like Fights Over Religion"

His teachers say he won a lot of prizes in inter-school competitions, but winning this quiz was special

Bengaluru News Written by

When a branch of ISKCON in Bengaluru organised a quiz on the Bhagavad Gita, a Muslim youngster took home the first prize. Shaik Mohiuddin, a Class 9 student of Subhash Memorial English High School, believes all religions are equal.

His teachers say he won a lot of prizes in inter-school competitions, but winning this quiz was special.

"They asked questions on Krishna's life and his teachings. I knew the answers. The Bhagavad Gita gives guidance in life. Every holy book teaches you how to respect your parents, teachers and ways to lead a peaceful and happy life. I am glad I made my parents proud," Shaik Mohiuddin told NDTV.

Sahiba Mohammadi, his mother, said, "We are very happy. We wish the best for him. He should know about all religions."

His school played a great role in shaping him and other students, Shaik said. Bahar-e-Jahan, principal of the school, told NDTV, "Everyone should respect each other's value system, customs and traditions. A Muslim boy winning this quiz is a precious moment for us. I am very happy for the boy. God bless him."


Shaik wants everybody to follow the path of peace and respect each other's beliefs.

He said, "I don't like people fighting because of religion. Every religion is equal. Before Independence we were a peaceful country and people of different religions lived in harmony."


The holy books are treasures of knowledge and one should read them to find the right path, he advised. "Whether it's Gita, Bible or Quran, every book teaches the same thing. We should not discriminate based on religion, caste, or social status. Everybody is equal," he added.
