This Article is From Aug 16, 2011

Malaysian toddler set for heart surgery in Bangalore

Bangalore: A Malaysian toddler, who was diagnosed with a hole in his heart, will undergo a surgery at a hospital in Bangalore.

In May, doctors said 33-month-old Mohd Shah Haikal Mohd Sani needed to undergo surgery as he was diagnosed with a hole in the heart. The hole measures 5.6 cm and his blood vessels are very narrow.

Haikal's mother, Nora Antong Ahmad, 32, a housewife said he was diagnosed with the complication when he came down with chickenpox at the age of eight months.

The crucial operation at Bangalore's Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, expected to cost around Rs 2 lakh, will be financed by an Non-government Organisation (NGO).

The Malaysian Youth Council (MYC), a national umbrella body of youth organisations in Malaysia, will pay for other expenses for Haikal and his mother's trip, estimated to be another 2 lakh rupees.

Haikal's father, Mohd Sani Amir, 35, a lorry driver, has to support two other girls, aged 10 and 11.