With just Rs 50 in his savings bank account, AR Kumar was thrilled when he realised he could withdraw cash beyond his existing balance amount because of a technical glitch with an ATM machine. Kumar, a Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) employee ended up withdrawing 1.6 lakh and an inquiry is on.
This is second such incident in the last five months. Another customer had cheated a bank in a similar fashion by withdrawing Rs 1.2 lakh in August last year.
Madhyastha, AGM, State Bank of Mysore, MG Road branch, has filed a cheating complaint against Kumar. Madhyastha said that the bank had issued a debit card to Kumar, who works for the KSCA. The bank had updated its database software from BASE 24 to OPUS last August.
Because of a technical glitch, customers could withdraw cash even when their account had insufficient balance. So, while the software was being upgraded, Kumar, who had only Rs 50 as balance in his account, withdrew Rs 1.68 lakh in six days, from September 15 to 21.
The incident came to light three months later when the bank staff found Kumar has made excessive withdrawals after getting back the data in place.
The bank contacted Kumar seeking return of the funds, but never got a reply. After waiting for more than a month, the bank decided to file a complaint. "Kumar should not have withdrawn the money which did not belong to him. This clearly shows his intention, and amounts to misappropriation and wrongful gain," Madhyatha said.
The Cubbon Park police have taken up a cheating case against Kumar and have summoned him for questioning.
This is second such incident in the last five months. Another customer had cheated a bank in a similar fashion by withdrawing Rs 1.2 lakh in August last year.
Madhyastha, AGM, State Bank of Mysore, MG Road branch, has filed a cheating complaint against Kumar. Madhyastha said that the bank had issued a debit card to Kumar, who works for the KSCA. The bank had updated its database software from BASE 24 to OPUS last August.
Because of a technical glitch, customers could withdraw cash even when their account had insufficient balance. So, while the software was being upgraded, Kumar, who had only Rs 50 as balance in his account, withdrew Rs 1.68 lakh in six days, from September 15 to 21.
The incident came to light three months later when the bank staff found Kumar has made excessive withdrawals after getting back the data in place.
The bank contacted Kumar seeking return of the funds, but never got a reply. After waiting for more than a month, the bank decided to file a complaint. "Kumar should not have withdrawn the money which did not belong to him. This clearly shows his intention, and amounts to misappropriation and wrongful gain," Madhyatha said.
The Cubbon Park police have taken up a cheating case against Kumar and have summoned him for questioning.
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