A senior police officer in Bengaluru has been accused of facilitating transport of 100 bottles of alcohol in the city. Bengaluru police's number two cop S Murugan's name came after a police officer, who is now under suspension, claimed that some of the liquor bottles were to be delivered to the senior police officer.
S Murugan is the Additional Commissioner of Police Law & Order for East Divison.
"During investigation, arrested persons had revealed that two cartons were going to S Murugan also. We have not bothered about that; there were eight boxes. We have seized and taken action as per the law. Yet, things like these are happening. I request the Chief Minister and the Home Minister to look into the matter. We cannot tolerate this torture. We cannot function in an environment like this," said ACP Vasu, who has been placed under suspension.
Mr Vasu, who is Assistant Commisoner of Police Electronic City, is accused of demanding Rs 50 lakh as bribe in exchange for the release of two people who were arrested for tansporting 100 bottles of alcohol in the city.
On April 11, Mr Vasu chased and stopped a speeding Tata Sumo with GST Emergency printed on it and seized eight cartons of premium liquor from the car. ACP Vasu alleges that both the persons who were in the car started throwing names of several top police officers and even mentioned that the consignment of liquor was to be handed over to Mr Murugan.
As per reports, S Murugan called ACP Vasu and asked him to release them as both of them were charged under bailable section.
Both of them were released. After release they accused the ACP of demanding Rs 50 lakh as bribe through a constable.
The matter has been brought to notice of Karnataka Director General of Police Praveen Sood.
"Some allegations have been made with regard to this incident. The incident took place on April 11. The allegations were made on 13th and brought to the notice of the DG-IGP and the Commissioner. In the backdrop of this, on the orders of the Commissioner, DCP South-East has submitted a report in this regard after carrying out investigation," said Mr Murugan.
After the preliminary enquiry report the ACP was placed under suspension.
S Murugan, who has an image of a tough and an upright officer, has said that he would also be questioned and appropriate action will be taken as per the inquiry.