This Article is From May 15, 2015

How I Got That 2-Crore Scholarship to Cornell

Being a teenager, having a dream comes easily. Everyone wants to make it big, leave a mark and change lives. As time passes, we settle for what we get, the dreams that we had become dusty books that we never read. That should not be the case. We live in a time where everyone has great potential and the world has great resources - what matters is how you use it to mould your life. We should not for a second think that our dreams are impossible.

I have grown up enveloped in episodes of stargazing on cold nights, solving Sudoku puzzles on Sunday mornings, and helping my father repair any dysfunctional device of the house - from the doorbell to the computer. Whether it was putting together circuit boards in Grade 6 or designing a sustainable lighting system for corporations in grade 10, innovation has never left my interest. Whether it was experimenting with the different hues of my paints, or making a list of unnatural questions after reading newspaper articles or scholarly reports, the flame of my curiosity does not seem to subside.

My curiosity or adventurousness, combined with my love for space and exploration led me to decide that I wanted to become an astronaut. Technologies pioneered during space programs are still the most used on Earth. Space technology has always inspired the youth and I wish to be a part of it. I wish to help unravel the mysteries of the universe and at the same time, I wish to create technologies that revolutionize not only space exploration, but also life on the planet that we call Home.

Once I had chosen my dream, I put in all required efforts to make it become a reality. With the help of my parents and teachers, I made a detailed plan and followed it with dedication. Be it academics, community service, or personal passions, they were all pursued with enthusiasm. The period of applications and standardized tests, coupled with board examinations was draining. Waiting for responses from universities was both a testing and an exciting task, but we held on to hope.

Receiving admission to Cornell, along with the two-crore scholarship, has been a dream come true. Having received this incredible opportunity, I am determined to make the most of it. I can't wait to experience college life, explore new cities and cultures and finally study what I have always dreamt of. I am waiting eagerly to embark on this challenging new journey.

(17-year old Bhavi Jagatia has won a Rs. 2 crore scholarship that will fund her Aerospace Engineering course at America's Cornell University. The scholarship is offered by Tata and Cornell.)

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