This Article is From Aug 14, 2014

Judges Appointment Bill Passed in Rajya Sabha

Aug 14, 2014 23:46 (IST)
The monsoon session of Parliament ended today with the passage of the Judicial Appointments bill in Rajya Sabha. Both houses were adjourned sine die.

Budget Session of Parliament Ends With Fewer Disruptions, More Debate
Aug 14, 2014 18:22 (IST)

Aug 14, 2014 17:34 (IST)
Lok Sabha Passes Apprentices Bill
Lok Sabha today passed a bill which provides for apprenticeship training to non-engineering graduates and diploma holders besides others to expand the base of skilled workers in the country.
Aug 14, 2014 16:26 (IST)
Both houses of Parliament adjourned sine die.
Aug 14, 2014 16:22 (IST)
Rajya Sabha also clears bill that changes how judges are appointed; Lok Sabha approved it yesterday. 
Aug 14, 2014 15:46 (IST)
'Centre will not break Ram Sethu. Centre is studying four alternatives to resolve the issue': Nitin Gadkari in Lok Sabha
Aug 14, 2014 15:01 (IST)
'The Constitutional amendment bill has been passed. This house has all the legislative competence - to pass the  Judicial Appointments Commission Bill': Ravi Shankar Prasad in Rajya Sabha
Aug 14, 2014 14:52 (IST)
Debate on communal violence underway in Lok Sabha
Aug 14, 2014 12:38 (IST)
Discussion on Judges Bill in Rajya Sabha
Arun Jaitley:
  • The provision was that the President, that is the government, will appoint the judges and will seeks the advice of the Supreme Court or High Court.
  • The judicial institution was the institution to be consulted and due weight was given.
  • Whatever the judicial institution said normally was given primacy.
  • In 1993, the Constitution was rewritten to say judges will appoint judges and they will consult the Executive. If the Executive has a contrarian view, effectively the due regard which should be given to it has not been given. 
  • Effort now is that we restore the spirit of the original Constitution.
  • Are we going to create executive primacy? The answer is no. Are we going to keep judicial primacy? The answer is yes.
  • Composition of collegium is identical - predominant strength is of the judicial institution.
  • The balancing act is let this power be exercised collectively - but in that the primacy of the judiciary is maintained.

Ravi Shankar Prasad:

  • Had the widest consultation possible with so many eminent jurists, so please don't say I haven't done my homework.
  • As far as inquiring into complaints against judges are concerned, that must be dealt with the judiciary alone.
  • Concerns of the states have been duly factored in - in a subsequent bill.
  • Eminent persons - who is appointing them? The PM, the Chief Justice of India and the Leader of Opposition. Should we not trust their collective wisdom?
  • This whole issue of empowerment needs to be reflected in the judiciary is certainly an issue on which the whole polity is one.
  • Time to vote and give a clear message - this house respects the independence of the judiciary

Aug 14, 2014 12:36 (IST)
Arun Jaitley moves motion in Rajya Sabha to refer amendments to Insurance Bill to Select Committee.

Some of the members are:
  1. Dr Chandan Mitra
  2. Muqtar Abbas Naqvi
  3. JP Nadda
  4. BK Hariprasad
  5. KC Tyagi
  6. Derek O'Brien
  7. Rajeev Chandrashekhar
  8. Naresh Gujral
  9. SC Mishra
  10. V Maithreyan

Aug 14, 2014 12:12 (IST)
The Constitutional Amendment Bill has been taken by the Rajya Sabha, despite objections by some members. Janata Dal - United leader Sharad Yadav is currently speaking on the issue.
Aug 14, 2014 11:06 (IST)
Rajya Sabha members seek immediate discussion on Judicial Appointments Bill
Aug 13, 2014 18:15 (IST)
BJD's Tathagata Satpathy in communal violence debate in Lok Sabha
  • Anyone discussing religion, it is the mind of an opiate, mind of a mob, a group that isn't sensible or civilised.
  • We've not been able to resolve it.
  • People keep comparing how many people died in riots during their rule.
  • I'm not talking about one party - we've been seeing this for year.s 
  • Minorities have no complaints from the nation - they are victims of the state and the establishment.

Aug 13, 2014 17:07 (IST)
Trinamool's Sudip Bandopadhyay in communal violence debate in Lok Sabha
  • I request Home Minister to find out why such type of tensions are taking place in states that are known to be free of communal trouble.
  • If we are united, peace of India can never be challenged.
  • Government must remain alert, cautious and vigilant to prevent communal incidents.
  • I request Rajnath Singhji to take these allegations against government.

Aug 13, 2014 16:39 (IST)
BJP's Adityanath in Communal Violence debate in Lok Sabha
  • The Congress must apologize to the people for their kind of communal policies.
  • Cases against terrorists are being taken back, the very same people who are a threat to national security.
  • The terrorists would have been released and gone back to their killings had the court not intervened.
  • There is a conspiracy against the Hindu way of life and the people are uniting against that.
  • Hindutva is a symbol of Indian nationalism and if you malign it, you'll pay for it.
  • Congress feels no sorrow for the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
  • Congress has never condemned the migration of the Kashmiri Pandits from the state. 3 lakh Kashmiri pandits were forced to migrate.
  • They split the country on communal line in 1947 and there is a conspiracy to split the country again on Pakistan's agenda.
  • Demand a SIT or an investigation by a sitting Supreme Court judge. Everybody will know what the truth is then.

Aug 13, 2014 16:15 (IST)
Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge in communal violence debate in Lok Sabha
  • There have been more than 600 incidents of violence against religious minorities in two months.
  • Who is behind rising communal violence incidents?
  • Are these incidents being done by people who want to grab power? 
  • The Constitution says our country is secular.
  • If you have power it does not mean that you suppress someone.
  • Whenever someone speaks the truth, others can't tolerate (to MPs protesting) .
  • This country belongs to everyone.
  • These political parties who are dividing society will result in it being split.
  • This policy of suppression will not last. People will revolt against this.
  • Government data shows 113 incidents of communal violence in May-June in which 15 people have died.
  • The government is taking this very lightly. They don't want people to live in peace and harmony. For their vote bank, this politics of polarization is going on.
  • No coincidence that riots in poll-bound states only.

Aug 13, 2014 15:31 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till 4 pm
Aug 13, 2014 15:30 (IST)
To Ensure Support For Judges Appointment Bill, Government Drops a Word
The opposition Congress has decided to back the Narendra Modi government's bill to change the system of appointing judges in the Lok Sabha today, but with riders.
Aug 13, 2014 15:09 (IST)
Judicial Appointments Commission Bill passed unanimously in Lok Sabha. Bill replaces collegium system for appointing judges
Aug 13, 2014 14:21 (IST)
Judicial Appointments Commission Bill : Voting underway in Lok Sabha
Aug 13, 2014 12:30 (IST)
PM Modi congratulates AIADMK's M Thambidurai on being elected Lok Sabha deputy speaker
'I assure the deputy speaker that you will get all the cooperation from the treasury benches and the government in discharging duties'.

Aug 13, 2014 12:15 (IST)
M Thambidurai of Jayalalithaa's AIADMK elected Lok Sabha deputy speaker

Aug 13, 2014 11:21 (IST)
Congress demands immediate discussion on communal violence in Lok Sabha

Aug 13, 2014 11:14 (IST)
Ahead of vote on judges' appointment bill, Congress moves motion in Lok Sabha to push up communal violence discussion higher on the agenda
Aug 12, 2014 13:37 (IST)
Government's Big Break. Congress to Back Proposal for Selecting Judges
How judges are promoted or transferred in India is set to change dramatically - the opposition Congress has decided to support the government's proposal, which means that the plan will clear both houses of Parliament with ease.
Aug 12, 2014 11:54 (IST)
Current Session of Parliament may be extended to enable passage of bills, Venkaiah Naidu tells BJP MPs: Press Trust of India
Aug 12, 2014 00:45 (IST)
We Can Have Dialogue on Kashmir Under Ambit of 'Insaniyat', says Rajnath Singh
On the eve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Jammu and Kashmir, the Centre said it wants a permanent solution to the Kashmitr issue and was even willing to have a dialogue under the ambit of "insaniyat" (humanity) to address it.
Aug 12, 2014 00:41 (IST)
Rahul Gandhi vs BJP: Debate on Communal Violence Likely in Parliament Today
A discussion on recent incidents of communal violence - the demand for which brought an unusually aggressive Rahul Gandhi to the well of the Lok Sabha in protest last week - is likely to be held in the lower house today.
Aug 12, 2014 00:39 (IST)
Bill to Amend Railways Act Sent to Standing Committee
A bill to amend the Railways Act to change the definition of 'accidental falling' was today referred to the Standing Committee after a strong demand by several members in the Lok Sabha.
Aug 12, 2014 00:39 (IST)
Government Tables Judges Appointment Bill Hours After Chief Justice's Dissent
The Narendra Modi government introduced legislation to change the system of appointing judges for the Supreme Court and High Courts in Parliament today, hours after the Chief Justice of India strongly defended the collegium system of judges selecting judges.
Aug 12, 2014 00:37 (IST)
Rajnath Singh's Two-Hour Reply Tests the Patience of House
The over two-hour reply of Home Minister Rajnath Singh in the Rajya Sabha this evening tested the patience of the Opposition benches, many of whose members turned restive. Even Deputy Chairman P J Kurien asked Singh a few times how long he would take to complete his reply.
Aug 12, 2014 00:37 (IST)
Rajya Sabha Question Hour, Zero Hour Timings Changed
In an apparent move to ensure its smooth functioning, the Rajya Sabha will have its Question Hour at 12 noon from the next session of parliament while the Zero Hour has been slotted for 11 am as soon as the House assembles for the day.
Aug 12, 2014 00:34 (IST)
Government Likely to Nominate Thambidurai for Deputy Speaker Post
The Lok Sabha will elect a Deputy Speaker on Wednesday, if there is more than one candidate for the post. The BJP-led NDA government is expected to field M Thambidurai from J Jayalalithaa's AIADMK, with an eye on the party's support in the other house, the Rajya Sabha.
Aug 11, 2014 17:34 (IST)

Aug 11, 2014 13:44 (IST)
Excused. Sachin Tendulkar Permitted to Skip Parliament
Sachin Tendulkar has applied for leave to remain absent from the Rajya Sabha from July 7, when the Budget session began, to August 14, when it ends.
Aug 11, 2014 11:40 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned for 10 minutes as TRS members oppose vesting special powers related to law & order in Hyderabad with Governor: Press Trust of India
Aug 11, 2014 11:27 (IST)
UPDATE - Rajya Sabha adjourned till noon after uproar by Congress over PM Modi's statement on World Trade Organization: Press Trust of India
Aug 11, 2014 11:18 (IST)

Rajya Sabha adjourned for ten minutes after uproar by Congress over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement on WTO: Press Trust of India

Aug 11, 2014 11:15 (IST)
Lok Sabha functioning even as TRS MPs shout slogans
Aug 07, 2014 11:11 (IST)
Parliament discusses row over 'language discrimination' in civil services exam
'Let us focus on exam not controversy. Ready to discuss UPSC row with other parties', says Venkaiah Naidu

Aug 06, 2014 18:09 (IST)

Government may agree to discussion on communal violence on Friday
Aug 06, 2014 14:50 (IST)
"Let them say": Sonia Gandhi's response on Arun Jaitley comment that Congress leadership is facing a 'palace coup'
Aug 06, 2014 16:08 (IST)
After Rahul Gandhi's Jibe at Prime Minister, BJP Talks of 'Palace Coup'
Rahul Gandhi's outburst today against Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been dismissed by the ruling BJP as "contrived aggression" by Congress leaders facing a "palace coup."
Aug 06, 2014 14:32 (IST)
Time for the Congress party to introspect: Arun Jaitley
  • Those who don't speak in the House accuse us of not allowing them to speak
  • Why did they have to make this allegation
  • Why has the party made an issue out of this non issue?
  • A section of the leadership of the Congress party has been under pressure because of their inability to lead
  • They have been facing a palace coup - there is internal pressure
  • Making accusations against the Speaker is not the way to show aggression.
  • Better lead the party than develop contrived aggression

Aug 06, 2014 13:50 (IST)

Aug 06, 2014 13:27 (IST)
BJP's Shahnawaz Hussain says, "We all know that Rahul Gandhi is very disturbed. People in the Congress want him out of the party. He thinks that he can raise any issue."

Aug 06, 2014 13:15 (IST)

Aug 06, 2014 12:17 (IST)
Proceedings in Lok Sabha Resume, Ruckus Continues

"After this government came to power, incidents of communal violence have increased in the country", says  Leader of the Opposition  Mallikarjun Kharge

Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu: "There is a process of raising any issue in the House. This is not the way. I condemn the sweeping allegation. Some people are unhappy that country is secure under leadership of Narendra Modi"

Speaker Sumitra Mahajan assures protesting MPs - aap notice dijiye, charcha karayenge (Please give a notice and we'll have a discussion on this)

Slogans of  'We want justice' continue in Lok Sabha
Aug 06, 2014 11:58 (IST)

Aug 06, 2014 11:49 (IST)
Rahul Gandhi on walking into the well of the House in protest

"We are not being allowed to speak in Parliament. We are asking for a discussion. There is a mentality in the government that discussion is not acceptable. There is a mood in Parliament that only one man's voice counts for anything in this country."

Aug 06, 2014 11:37 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till noon. Rahul Gandhi was in the well of the House 

Aug 06, 2014 11:27 (IST)
Discussion in Lok Sabha Amid Ruckus
  • Many UPA MPs storm into the well of the House.
  • Constant chants of 'we want justice'  and  'tanashahi nahi chalegi'
  • The Congress party wants a discussion on rise in communal incidents in the country.
  • Question Hour continues amid sloganeering.
Aug 06, 2014 11:22 (IST)
Chaos is  Lok Sabha over communal incidents in Uttar Pradesh and row over UPSC examinations
Aug 06, 2014 10:11 (IST)
Congress gives notice of adjournment motion in Lok Sabha over rising communal incidents in the country, demands suspension of Question Hour, say party sources: Press trust of India
Aug 05, 2014 15:35 (IST)
Lok Sabha Adjourned After Row Over PM Modi's Temple Visit in Nepal
Watch Lok Sabha Adjourned After Row Over PM Modi's Temple Visit in Nepal Video on The Lok Sabha was adjourned today following an uproar after TMC MP Sudip Bandopadhyay raised an issue where he questioned why PM Modi who performed puja in Nepal did not wish people on Eid. The BJP MPs objected to this saying that the PM did greet the nation on Eid.
Aug 05, 2014 11:51 (IST)
UPSC Exam Row: Opposition Protests Over 'Language Bias' Stall Rajya Sabha
A row over the civil services examination caused fireworks in Parliament again today despite the government bowing to student protests and saying that an English test will not be included for grades or merit.
Aug 05, 2014 11:31 (IST)
'Suitable decision taken by government. It will help students, not disrupt exam': Venkaiah Naidu in Rajya Sabha on 'language discrimination' in civil services exam
Aug 05, 2014 11:12 (IST)
Uproar in Rajya Sabha as Opposition corners government over alleged 'language discrimination' in civil services exam

Aug 04, 2014 16:19 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned for 10 minutes over the UPSC issue.

Aug 04, 2014 15:57 (IST)
UPSC Row: English Marks Shouldn't Count For Gradation, Says Government
In what is expected to come as a major relief for hundreds of civil services aspirants protesting against a controversial aptitude test in the preliminary examinations, the government today said that marks for English language skills "shouldn't be included for gradation or merit."
Aug 04, 2014 15:51 (IST)

Aug 04, 2014 15:20 (IST)
For Jayalalithaa Caricature, Sri Lankan Envoy to be Summoned Today
"India strongly condemns this. We will definitely call their high commissioner and discuss this issue," Ms Swaraj told Parliament today, where the controversy impelled heated debate. 
Aug 04, 2014 15:19 (IST)

Aug 04, 2014 15:13 (IST)
Congress walks out of Lok Sabha in protest over Insurance Bill
Aug 04, 2014 13:04 (IST)
The "derogatory" article in Sri Lankan govt website is "totally unacceptable and condemnable": Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu in Lok Sabha
Aug 04, 2014 12:49 (IST)
All-Party Meet on Insurance Bill Reveals Cracks in the Opposition
An all-party meeting this morning to hammer out a consensus on the Insurance Bill, seen as the two-month Narendra Modi government's first big reform move, remained inconclusive.
Aug 04, 2014 12:48 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 PM amid uproar over UPSC exam row after Samajwadi Party  members troop into the well of the House.
Aug 04, 2014 12:45 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till 2 pm; uproar over "derogatory" article on Sri Lankan defence ministry website rocks both Houses of Parliament
Aug 04, 2014 12:20 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till 1230 hours after AIADMK uproar over "derogatory" article on Sri Lankan defence ministry website: PTI
Aug 04, 2014 11:34 (IST)
Standoff over Insurance bill

  1. Naveen Patnaik's BJD changes its stand on Insurance bill, voices support
  2. UPA ally Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) supports Insurance bill at all-party meeting (
  3. Government: The  Insurance bill largely same as the one moved earlier; ready to accommodate changes suggested by the Opposition

Aug 01, 2014 12:26 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned for 15 minutes after a row over alleged language bias in civil services exam
Jul 30, 2014 13:04 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 pm after uproar over Union Minister Nitin Gadkari bugging row: Press Trust of India
Jul 30, 2014 12:19 (IST)
Uproar in Rajya Sabha Over Nitin Gadkari Bugging Row
With the Congress seeking to corner the BJP over the alleged bugging of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari's residence, Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said there was no truth in those reports.
Jul 30, 2014 11:26 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till noon after uproar over alleged police action against Marathi-speaking people in Belgaum in Karnataka, Rajya Sabha over bugging issue
Jul 30, 2014 11:09 (IST)

Both Houses of Parliament adjourned for 15 minutes after chaos over bugging issue. Home Minister Rajnath Singh says there is no truth in newspaper reports on bugging.
Jul 30, 2014 11:08 (IST)
Opposition brings up bugging issue, chaos in Parliament

Jul 30, 2014 11:03 (IST)
Parliament session begins with ruckus on UPSC row
Jul 25, 2014 13:07 (IST)
Discussion in Parliament over UPSC exam row
'Sympathise with UPSC aspirants', says Minister of State (MoS) in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Dr Jitendra Singh. He added, 'UPSC admit card does not affect government policies'.
Jul 25, 2014 12:37 (IST)
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
  • We need to fight economic slowdown; inflation cannot be tackled by just hiking interest rate.
  • We want to revive investor sentiment which had been disturbed.
  • Higher tax on debt mutual funds to apply prospectively from July 10.
Jul 25, 2014 11:54 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourns till noon following uproar over UPSC issue
Jul 25, 2014 11:37 (IST)
Ruckus in both houses of Parliament over UPSC exam row. Civil service aspirants have been protesting against 'language bias' in the test
Jul 22, 2014 12:33 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned till 2 pm minutes after it resumes as noisy protests continue over Justice Katju's allegations against judges.
Jul 22, 2014 12:22 (IST)
Lok Sabha adjourned as uproar continues over Justice Katju's allegations against judges
Jul 22, 2014 12:17 (IST)
Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Justice Markandey Katju's allegations against judges:

  • The situation today is that the judge in question has retired, unfortunately he is no more... The judges under reference have all retired (referring to the Chief Justices of India named by Justice Katju)
  • But as the Supreme Court stated in the Shanti Bhushan case, "The clock cannot be put back"
  • There is an imperative need to improve upon the system of appointment of judges
  • And, therefore, our government is quite keen to ensure the National Judicial Commission is appointed
Jul 22, 2014 12:10 (IST)
Ruckus in Lok Sabha for the second consecutive day over former Supreme Court judge Justice Markandey Katju's allegations against judges
Jul 21, 2014 16:15 (IST)
Israel and Palestine should have peace talks, says External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in Rajya Sabha, rejects any resolution by House on Gaza: Press Trust of India
Jul 21, 2014 16:14 (IST)
Opposition stages walkout in Rajya Sabha after demand for resolution on Gaza is not accepted: Press Trust of India
Jul 21, 2014 12:15 (IST)
Ghulam Nabi Azad, Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha on Gaza:

  • It was not our (opposition)'s responsibility, but the government's to discuss this serious issue
  • When we wanted to discuss the issue, only airstrikes were on. Now, it had escalated intp a full-blown ground offensive inside Gaza
  • Such an advanced nation (Israel) is spending so much ammunition for just a small strip of land

Jul 21, 2014 12:04 (IST)
Proceedings in Rajya Sabha resume, short-duration discussion on violence in Gaza begins

Jul 21, 2014 11:17 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned till noon as uproar over Justice Markandey Katju's allegations against judges continues

Jul 21, 2014 11:04 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned for 10 minutes after uproar over former Supreme Court judge Justice Markandey Katju's allegations of corruption in judiciary during UPA rule
Jul 21, 2014 09:37 (IST)
Rajya Sabha to Finally Discuss Gaza Violence Today
With the number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli offensive now over 430, and with more than 3,000 wounded in the past two weeks, the Rajya Sabha will today have a short discussion on the Gaza violence.
Jul 18, 2014 13:39 (IST)
Rajya Sabha pays homage to victims of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 that crashed over Ukraine
Jul 17, 2014 17:31 (IST)
Government Agrees to Gaza Debate in Parliament After Many Adjournments
After many disruptions and protests, the government today conceded opposition demands for a discussion on the Gaza violence in Parliament.
Jul 17, 2014 16:44 (IST)
Government agrees to discuss Israel's action in Gaza in Rajya Sabha after House was adjourned for two days in a row over the issue. Rajya Sabha will take up the discussion on Monday. A resolution is expected on the issue.
Jul 17, 2014 15:33 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned for the day after uproar by Opposition over violence in Gaza.
Jul 17, 2014 13:08 (IST)
Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 pm after uproar over violence in Gaza. This is the third adjournment of the House during Zero Hour today.

Jul 17, 2014 12:43 (IST)
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj speaks in Lok Sabha on journalist Ved Pratap Vaidik's meeting with 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed: 'The report of the Indian High Commissioner in Pakistan has come and he has denied any knowledge of the visit'
Jul 17, 2014 12:24 (IST)
Ruckus in Lok Sabha over journalist Ved Pratap Vaidik's meeting with terror mastermind Hafiz Saeed. Slogan-shouting MPs gather in the Well of the House.
Jul 17, 2014 12:19 (IST)
Rajya Sabha session resumes but ruckus continues over the Gaza issue.  CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechury asks in Rajya Sabha, "Please tell us why do you not want us to have this discussion".