In India, 50,000 Children Are Diagnosed With Cancer Annually. However, A Little Known Fact Is That 70% To 95% Childhood Cancers Are Curable If Detected Early.
The Special Focus Of The NDTV-Fortis Health4U Campaign Now Is On Children And Cancer. As Part Of This Initiative, We Are Organizing An 8-hour LIVE Televised Fundraiser, Which Will Bring Together The Entire Nation To Spread Awareness On Childhood Cancer As Well As Urge People To Donate Generously To Support The Treatment Of Children With Cancer.
Dr. Carl H. June, Richard W. Vague Professor in Immunotherapy - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Yuvraj Singh, cricketer and a cancer survivor, lends his support to the #Cancerthon.
- NDTV (@ndtv) February 8, 2015
And Pls do donate for treatments for children's cancer! @Minissha_lamba joins the @Ndtv #Cancerthon initiative! Catch it now..
- Minissha Lamba (@Minissha_Lamba) February 8, 2015
Dr. Mammen Chandy, Director of Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata. Dr. Chandy is the current Chair of the Human Genome Task Force, Dept of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India
With @Minissha_Lamba for NDTV Cancerthon 8 Hr initiative on TV to raise funds for children
- Pankaj Udhas (@Pankajkudhas) February 8, 2015
At the #Cancerthon ..going on cam in 10mins..
- Mohit Chauhan (@_MohitChauhan) February 8, 2015
To show your support to children fighting cancer, donate here:
On way 2 @ndtv's #Cancerthon. Breaks my heart 2 hear d sad stories of ailing children. Please dip into ur pockets n donate with all ur heart
- Mohit Chauhan (@_MohitChauhan) February 8, 2015
Many special guests will spread awareness about cancer. @BeingSalmanKhan joins us on NDTV #Cancerthon. So does @YUVSTRONG12.
- Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) February 8, 2015
According to CanKids, in developing countries, of the 80% children with cancer, more than half die. In India, cancer is one of the major causes of death in the age group of 5 to 14.
Worldwide, 2,50,000 children die of cancer every year.
According to World Health Organisation, 1 in every 10 Indians runs the risk of cancer before the age of 75.