New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV), in collaboration with the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, has initiated a campaign #DilSeSewa. At a time of widespread hunger and a humanitarian crisis, this campaign focuses on the rich living tradition of food sharing as widely practised in “Langars” or community kitchens by the Sikh community. The Sikh community has been at the forefront of relentlessly helping people to tide over the crisis— and their 'sewa' during the coronavirus pandemic is a shining example of their community spirit.
Here are the Highlights of the #DilSeSewa Telethon:
To contribute and help our langars feed millions, click here.
To contribute and support our langars to feed millions in need, click here
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My grandmother came from a sikh family, when my brother was to be named, my father almost named him Som Singh. Langar and sewa has been an integral part of our family. We've been going to the Golden Temple and other gurdwaras for years. This is the time to come forward and feed the hungry. I was trying to help as much as I could.
After I started to learn about history of sikhism, I am deeply touched by how they recognise humankind as one. When you go to the Golden temple, you go eat, do the sewa and then do the darshan and it has been going on since the time of emperors. When you do sewa, whether serving food, washing utensils or cleaning shoes, sikhism gives you a sense of humility and simplicity. I found out every sikh household donates to gurdwaras to help the needy.
#DilSeSewa | "Wherever there has been a problem, man-made or natural, the Sikhs have been the first one to come forward and serve people": Naresh Gujral, Rajya Sabha MP
- NDTV (@ndtv) July 5, 2020
(In partnership with Wave One)
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#DilSeSewa | Join actor @jimmysheirgill and contribute to help the langars feed hot meals to many
- NDTV (@ndtv) July 4, 2020
(In partnership with Wave One)
To contribute click here:
#DilSeSewa | Join singer @HarshdeepKaur and contribute to help the langars feed hot meals to many
- NDTV Videos (@ndtvvideos) July 2, 2020
(In partnership with Wave One)
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To contribute and support our langars feed millions, click here.