
Am Standing Before you as Beggar: PM's Speech on Girl Child

Am Standing Before you as Beggar: PM's Speech on Girl Child

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chose Haryana to launch the nationwide camnpaign called 'Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao' (Save the Girl Child, Educate Her). The scheme will focus on fighting female foeticide and empowering women through education. Haryana has the worst sex ratio (number of females per 1,000 males) and child sex ratio in the country. Out of the 100 worst districts in India for sex ratio, Haryana accounts for 12 districts.

Here are top five quotes from the PM's speech:

  1. The prime minister of the country is begging you to save the lives of girls.

  2. In nearby Kurukshetra (in Haryana), a boy called Prince fell into a well, and the whole nation watched the rescue operation on TV. For one Prince, people united to pray, but with so many girls killed we don't react.

  3. We are not worthy of being called citizens of 21st century. It is as if we are from the 18th century - at that time, and just after a girl's birth, she was killed .  We are worse now, we don't even allow the girl to be born.

  4. Girls are better performers than boys. If you need proof, just look at exam results.

  5.  People want educated daughters-in-law but think several times before educating their daughters. How can this go on?