In the wake of the lynching case in Uttar Pradesh's Dadri, the home ministry said there will be "zero tolerance" for incidents that "attempt to weaken the secular fabric of the nation and exploit religious sentiments". Mentioning Dadri - where a 50-year-old man was killed last week after rumours that he consumed beef - the advisory said the states should "take strictest action as per law... without any exception".
Here are the 10 latest developments in this story:
The advisory also said the ministry has sought a report on the Dadri incident from the Uttar Pradesh government, and asked it to ensure that such incidents do not recur. Yesterday, Union home minister Rajnath Singh said it was "not proper to give communal colour" to the incident.
The advisory comes a day after BJP lawmaker Sangeet Som visited Dadri and allegedly held a meeting outside a temple violating prohibitory orders -- which have been in place at Bisara village since September 28, when Mohammad Akhlaq was killed.
The District Magistrate said no action will be taken against the lawmaker since Mr Som's convoy had been stopped by a group of women. The UP Police said they video-taped Mr Som's speech and a case will be registered against him if he is found to have made any controversial statements.
On Sunday, surrounded by supporters, Mr Som allegedly walked up to a temple from where a call for action against cow slaughter was allegedly made minutes before the murderous mob attacked Mohammad Akhlaq.
Asked if he would visit the victim's family, the BJP lawmaker said, "The family isn't here. The government of Uttar Pradesh has taken them away in an airplane, the way they did with the conspirators of the Muzaffarnagar riots... they have now done the same with the cow killers."
Mr Som has been charged with making inflammatory speeches ahead of the 2013 riots in UP's Muzaffarnagar that killed more than 60 and left hundreds of thousands homeless. He is out on bail.
The police have been asked to register a case against fringe group Hindu Rakshak Dal for holding a meeting and making inflammatory speeches.
Besides Mr Som, several politicians have visited Bisara village since September 28. They include Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, AIMIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and Union Minister Mahesh Sharma.
Seven of the 10 persons arrested in the case are reportedly related to local BJP leader Sanjay Rana. The main accused, 20-year-old Vishal Rana -- the son of Sanjay Rana -- allegedly organised the meeting in which the mob was incited to attack the Akhlaq family. Calling the allegation "a conspiracy," Sanjay Rana has demanded a CBI probe.
On Monday, Mr Akhlaq and his 22-year-old son Mohd Danish Saifee were dragged out of their house by around 100 villagers and beaten up. His son is critical. Mr Akhlaq's family was flown to Lucknow yesterday to meet Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, who has promised them Rs 30 lakh in compensation.