Two days after a farmer hanged himself at an Aam Aadmi Party rally in Delhi, the police and state government are virtually at war. Both blame each other for not saving the farmer.
Here are 10 developments in the story:
The Delhi Police today refused to submit documents for an inquiry ordered by the AAP government into the alleged suicide of Rajasthan farmer Gajendra Singh on Wednesday.
District magistrate Sanjay Kumar had asked the police to share papers related to the case by 11 am. These included records of the police alert, the complaint and the medical report.
The police replied that they would report only to the court concerned. At the same time, Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi asserted, "We are not at conflict with anyone. We are ready to work with anyone."
The magistrate has said that he will file a criminal complaint against the police for "obstructing a government servant doing his duty."
On Wednesday, 42-year-old Gajendra Singh climbed a tree near the stage where Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and other AAP leaders were seated, and hanged himself in front of thousands of shocked rally-goers.
AAP, which rules Delhi, ordered an inquiry by a district magistrate, while the home ministry has asked the police to investigate.
Arvind Kejriwal today apologized for not stopping the rally after the incident and continuing with his speech. He also said he was ready to give a statement before the police, if asked.
The police have alleged in an FIR or First Information Report that AAP workers clapped and cheered when Gajendra was on the tree, and instigated him. They also say that AAP volunteers obstructed them at every step, and prevented them from saving the farmer.
This version contradicts that of AAP, which has long demanded that the control of the police should be with the Delhi government, not the union home ministry.
The Delhi Police FIR is based on the account of a policeman who says he "appealed to clapping AAP volunteers not to encourage Gajendra and help pull him down. But neither the AAP leaders on stage nor the volunteers helped."