Actor Salman Khan told a Mumbai court today that he was not driving the SUV that ran over people sleeping on a pavement 13 years ago. One person was killed and four people were injured in the accident.
Five Statements Salman Khan Made in Court
I was not driving, my driver was. I had to get out of the car from the driver's side because my left door was jammed, so I could not open it.
I instructed my driver to inform the police. I remained on the spot for 15 minutes or more
Drinks, including cocktails, were served at the Rain Bar. I was drinking water. Bills made out for drinks and food were not mine
I did sit on the driver's seat as Altaf (driver) left and Ashok (another driver) was coming. When Ashok driver came I moved to the left side.
My blood was taken at two places. Blood samples were not intact. The outcome is false. My pupils were dilated because I was awake all night.