Former home secretary RK Singh, who recently joined the BJP, has pummeled Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde with a series of allegations, including that he took money for police postings, interfered in police work and lied about working with the US to catch Dawood Ibrahim.
Here are the latest updates on this story:
Mr Singh, who retired as home secretary in June, accused his former boss of regularly interfering with police work and taking money for cop postings.
He alleges the home minister's role in a cover-up attempt linked to the "2G scam" or the illegal allocation of 2G spectrum to private companies at throaway prices.
The former home secretary has attacked the home minister's claims that when he went to the US, the American attorney general, under whom the FBI works, assured all help to bring Dawood to book.
"Even if an agency belonging to another country agrees to help us in a mission on a third country's soil, this should not be made public. The FBI has made no such commitment, at least as long as I was there. Dawood is in Pakistan, under ISI's protection and to say he will be arrested with the help of FBI is ridiculous," Mr Singh said on Tuesday.
He has also accused the minister of shielding a Mumbai-based businessman close to Dawood Ibrahim and preventing the Delhi Police from interrogating him in connection with match-fixing in the Indian Premier League.
Mr Singh claimed that the Prime Minister's Office knew about the differences between him and the home minister, and the fact that Mr Shinde tried to replace him.
The Congress, accusing Mr Singh of "shocking opportunism", questioning why he did not go to the PM and Cabinet Secretary at the time.
Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said, "Is it not a fact that he tried to get a post-retirement position from the UPA? Is it not a fact that he approached (Bihar Chief Minister) Nitish Kumar for a position?"
The BJP has demanded a thorough probe into the allegations. "If Mr Shinde is found to have intervened in the match-fixing probe, he needs to be sacked immediately," said the party's Ravi Shankar Prasad.
The bureaucrat-turned-politician has been criticized by former IPS officer Kiran Bedi, who asked, "What did you do as the Home Secretary? Did you tell the PM of the unlawful instructions? If not then you're at fault. If you get any unlawful orders complain to the higher officials. Don't say things after retiring."
The former home secretary joined the BJP last week and is tipped to contest the national election, due by May, from Bihar.