The Delhi Police is searching for three JNU students allegedly involved in organising a controversial event on February 9 on the university campus. The event was organised to protest the hanging of Afzal Guru, convicted for the terrorist attack on Parliament House on December 13, 2001.
Here are the latest developments:
The Delhi Police has asked the Foreigner's Regional Registration Office or FRRO to alert airport authorities to look out for three JNU students named Umar Khalid, Anirban Bhatacharya, Aswathi.
It issued lookout notices for the three. These notices are issued to detain people wanted by the police who are travelling. The three are alleged to have been part of protests on the university campus against Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru's hanging on February 9.
Kanhaiya Kumar, JNU Students' Union president student, was arrested on sedition charges, for being present at the same event and is currently in Tihar jail.
A District Magistrate in Delhi had ordered a forensic examination of two video clippings alleged to be of the controversial event, doing rounds on the social media. One of the videos reportedly features Mr Kumar.
The JNU student leader was attacked on Wednesday when the Delhi Police produced him at the Patiala House Courts, leading to outrage and protests.
Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had said on Friday, "Without considering the nature of allegation and the incident that happened in JNU, a section of media is trying to project him (Kanhaiya Kumar) as a hero of the country."
Also on Friday, the country's top human rights panel, the NHRC, said that the attack in the courts complex on Mr Kumar appeared to be "organised and pre-planned." The top human rights panel probing the police action against Mr Kumar said he was "subjected to psychological pressure during interrogation."
The Delhi Police did nothing to stop the attack or catch the attackers, the panel said in its report. "Going by the sequence of events, the safety and security of Sh. Kanhaiya and his family members is a serious cause of concern," the report said.
"The statement which was issued by the police as an appeal on behalf of Sh. Kanhaiya Kumar was not written by him voluntarily. The content, construction and framework of the statement were as dictated by the police," the panel's report.
Mr Kumar's name does not feature in a report submitted by the Intelligence Bureau to the Home Ministry earlier this week on the controversial event. His bail application is likely to come up before the Delhi High court on Tuesday.