This Article is From Jan 03, 2014

Never thought of resigning: 10 big quotes from PM at presser

The Prime Minister said today that he will step down after elections due this year even if his Congress party defies predictions and sweeps to power for a third consecutive term. At his first press conference in over three years, Dr Manmohan made these points:

Here are his top 10 quotes:

  1. In a few months' time, after the general election, I will hand the baton over to a new Prime Minister. I hope it will be a UPA-chosen Prime Minister (Read)

  2. Would be disastrous for the country to have Narendra Modi as PM. If by strong PM you mean (someone to) preside over the mass massacre of citizens on the streets of Ahmedabad, that is a measure of strength I don't think is needed (Read)

  3. I have never felt like resigning at any time. I have tried to do my work with all sincerity without regard for fear or favour

  4. I believe history will be kinder to me than the contemporary media or opposition parties

  5. I have never used my office to enrich or reward my friends or relatives (Watch Dr Singh's full presser)

  6. Advertisement
  7. (On AAP) We must respect the democratic process. Only time will tell  if this experience is capable of facing challenges our economy

  8. I have publicly apologised to the Sikh community on behalf of the government. What happened in 1984 should have never happened

  9. Nobody (in Congress) has asked me to step down because of any inadequacies as Prime Minister

  10. My best moment as PM was when we struck a nuclear deal with the US

  11. I have ruled myself out as a PM candidate if UPA comes back to power. Rahul Gandhi has outstanding credentials to be the PM candidate.  We will announce the Congress PM candidate at an appropriate time
