
'People and Planet Inseparable': Top Quotes by PM Modi at Paris

'People and Planet Inseparable': Top Quotes by PM Modi at Paris
PM Modi also called on developed countries to mobilise 100 billion dollars annually by 2020 to combat climate change.

Reaffirming India's commitment to renewable energy at the Paris climate change summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again reminded developed countries about "common but differentiated responsibilities".

Here are top five quotes from the address:

  1. We are guided by our ancient belief that people and planet are inseparable; that human wellbeing and Nature are indivisible

  2. We hope advanced nations will assume ambitious targets and pursue them as they have the most room for impact.

  3. The principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities must remain the bedrock of our collective enterprise.

  4. We look to the developed countries to mobilise 100 billion US Dollars annually by 2020 for mitigation and adaptation.

  5. We will succeed if we have the wisdom to craft a collective partnership that balances responsibilities and capabilities.