Indrani Mukerjea has told the police that her daughter, Sheena Bora, is not dead, as alleged. Instead, the former media executive says that Ms Bora is living in the US and refusing to reveal herself because she "hates" Ms Mukerjea.
Here are the 10 latest developments in this story:
Ms Mukerjea, arrested a week ago in Mumbai, continues to deny that in 2012, she conspired with former husband Sanjeev Khanna and her driver to strangle Ms Bora in a hired car before setting the corpse on fire.
Police documents state that according to investigators, Ms Bora was killed on April 24, 2012. That night, her body was kept in a suitcase in the garage at the Mukerjea residence in Mumbai. The next morning, Ms Bora's corpse was arranged on the backseat of the car to make it seem like she was sitting next to her mother.
The car then drove to a forest in Raigad on the fringes of Mumbai where it was reportedly doused in petrol and lit.
At the time, Ms Mukerjea had told friends and family that Ms Bora was her sister and had moved to the US, ending a long-running romance with step-brother Rahul Mukerjea.
Ms Mukerjea had married high-powered media executive Peter Mukerjea in 2002. They co-founded broadcasting group INX Media in 2007, quitting it two years later amid reports of financial swindling.
Ms Mukerjea's two children, Sheena and Mekhail, were being brought up by her parents in Guwahati. But Ms Bora then moved to Mumbai for college. She lived with the Mukerjeas and met and fell in love with Rahul at their home.
On Skype, the police alleges, Ms Mukerjea plotted her first-born's killing with Sanjeev Khanna, with whom she shares a daughter Vidhie. Mr Khanna has allegedly confessed to the murder, blaming Ms Mukerjea for selling him the story that Vidhie's death was being planned by the Bora children.
The police says that Ms Mukerjea has confessed that she was in a "financial dispute" with her daughter; the police are looking at whether Ms Bora may have served as a proxy receptacle for money that the Mukerjeas made when they sold their stake in INX.
Siddharth Das, so far reported as Ms Mukerjea's first husband, has finally been located in Kolkata today. He said he is the Boras' biological father, was never married to Ms Mukerjea, and that if his ex killed his daughter, "she should hang." Mr Das also said that he last heard from Ms Bora in 2000, and that after Ms Mukerjea left him in 1989, he has not had contact with Mekhail.
The police has accused Ms Mukerjea of trying to murder Mekhail Bora on the same day as her daughter's murder by summoning him to Mumbai and then drugging him. He has said he managed to escape the hotel where he was being put up by his mother.