Indrani Mukerjea, accused of murdering her daughter Sheena Bora in 2013, may also face charges of attempting to murder her son Mikhael. She will be produced in a court in Mumbai today along with two other accused, her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna, and driver Shyam Rai.
Following are the latest developments in this case:
Ms Mukerjea, 43, who co-founded a broadcasting group INX with her husband Peter Mukerjea, was arrested a week ago for allegedly killing the young woman she had always introduced as her sister.
Indrani Mukerjea has admitted that she "hated" Sheena Bora - her daughter from an earlier marriage - and that they had a financial dispute, but has not confessed to killing her, say police sources.
Ms Mukerjea has blamed the murder on her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna, who has also been arrested. Call records establish that the two were in touch in the days leading up to the murder and also establish their presence in Mumbai's Bandra on April 24, 2012, when they allegedly picked up Sheena Bora, hours before she was killed.
Sources say the police are also investigating allegations that a contract killer was hired to kill Sheena Bora's younger brother Mikhael. Ms Mukerjea has, according to the police, denied Mikhael Bora's accusations and said he was trying to extort money from her.
The police say a Mumbai psychiatrist had been approached by Ms Mukerjea to forge a certificate declaring her son mentally unstable. This she allegedly planned to use if Mikhael Bora persisted with attempts to find his sister after Ms Mukerjea declared Ms Bora had moved to the US and wanted no contact with him.
Mikhael, 24, is being questioned by the Mumbai Police at an undisclosed location to understand the troubled relationship the siblings shared with their mother, said sources.
Sanjeev Khanna has said, according to sources, that he was led to believe there was a threat to the life of Vidhie - Indrani and his daughter - and that Sheena and her brother Mikhael planned to kill her.
The police have recovered suitcases used to dump Sheena Bora's body from the garage of Peter Mukerjea's house.
Today, a police team will also go to Silchar in Assam to track Sidhartha Das, who is said to be Indrani Mukerjea's first husband, and possibly the father of Sheena Bora and Mikhael.
Sheena Bora was engaged to her step-brother Rahul Mukerjea, Peter Mukerjea's son from an earlier marriage, when she was killed. Ms Bora's passport was with Rahul Mukerjea; he told the police that Sheena's mother claimed she had gone to the US using a different passport.