
The Dengue Crisis: Dos and Don'ts

The Dengue Crisis: Dos and Don'ts
Consulting a doctor and taking a blood test are the fest steps to tackle dengue.

Dengue is a largely preventable and manageable disease, doctors say, but precautions need to be taken to stay safe at a time when Delhi is undergoing its worst dengue crisis in five years.

Here's what to do and what not to:

  1. Use mosquito repellents and nets.

  2. Install screens on your doors and windows.

  3. Wear full-sleeve clothes to avoid mosquito bites.

  4. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and carry water.

  5. Do see a doctor if you show any symptoms of dengue.

  1. Do not let water collect in open spaces and surroundings.

  2. Do not self-medicate if you have symptoms of dengue like fever and body ache.

  3. Avoid consuming paracetamol and aspirin-based medicines without medical supervision.

  4. Avoid giving steroids or antibiotics to dengue patients.

  5. Avoid platelet transfusion unless there is an active bleed or the platelet count is less than 10,000.