Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the Indian community in Brussels, today said that terrorism has become a challenge to humanity. The PM's visit to Brussels comes a week after the city was hit by terror attacks in which 32 people died. While paying respect to those who died in the terror attack, the PM also said "terrorism must be de-linked from religion."
Here are the top 10 quotes:
You are India's messengers who present India and its culture to the world through your conduct and speech.
So many nations have suffered due to terrorism. Terrorism is not a challenge to a nation, it's a challenge to humanity. All powers who believe in humanity have to come together to fight terror.
India has been battling terrorism for four decades. But the rest of the world recognised the danger only after 9/11.
Terrorism must be delinked from religion. No religion teaches terrorism. This message resonated from the World Sufi Forum held in Delhi.
I met leaders of the EU today. We talked on many things but terrorism was the focal point of all discussions.
In a time when the world economy is not doing so well, it is generally agreed that India is a ray of hope.
Our campaign on gas subsidy led to 9 million people surrendering their subsidy, helping millions of poor families to get gas connections.
We have introduced JAM scheme. It means Jan Dhan-Aadhar-Mobile. We have connected gas subsidy to Jan Dhan accounts.
For years OROP was promised but even when an allotment was made, it was a token amount. We changed this.
We managed to resolve the Land Boundary Agreement with Bangladesh which had been pending for decades.