A driver with popular taxi service Uber arrested for allegedly raping a woman passenger in Delhi on Friday was involved in a previous rape case. The Delhi Police say had the company subjected Shiv Kumar Yadav, 32, to proper scrutiny, the crime could have been avoided.
Five lapses by Uber according to the Delhi Police:
Uber failed to check that Yadav had a criminal record and was tried for rape in 2011. He did not go through police verification that is mandatory for cab drivers.
The address provided by the company for Yadav turned out to be false.
The mobile number that Yadav was using was shared between three drivers who drove the car on shifts.
The driver did not have the Public Service Vehicle licence required for commercial vehicles. There was no Global Positioning System or GPS in the car.
The only link Uber had with the driver was a phone given to him by the company with its app. Since the mobile phone was switched off, it became impossible to track the driver.