Thamanah, a five-year-old kindergarten student, has been missing from Chennai's Marina Beach since the 11th after she came there with her brother and mother last Wednesday evening. The two siblings were apparently playing near their mother but after a while she disappeared mysteriously. Her mother frantically searched the area in vain and filed a police complaint.
Thamanah's father Syed Noor Ahmed and the other members of the family have been searching for the girl ever since. Every day they leave their home in Royapettah at 7 am to walk down to all the residential areas and fishing hamlets near the beaches in the city. The search ends only late in the night when the family troops back exhausted.
It's been six days since Thamanah went missing and the family is still looking for clues to her whereabout. Police also feel that since the child speaks only Urdu, she might have not been able to communicate her position to somebody who might have found her.
If you have any information about Thamanah's whereabouts, please contact Mr Noor on 09789929297 or 09677161672
Thamanah's father Syed Noor Ahmed and the other members of the family have been searching for the girl ever since. Every day they leave their home in Royapettah at 7 am to walk down to all the residential areas and fishing hamlets near the beaches in the city. The search ends only late in the night when the family troops back exhausted.
It's been six days since Thamanah went missing and the family is still looking for clues to her whereabout. Police also feel that since the child speaks only Urdu, she might have not been able to communicate her position to somebody who might have found her.
If you have any information about Thamanah's whereabouts, please contact Mr Noor on 09789929297 or 09677161672
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