The Chennai, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class X results were declared today. With 1.22 lakh students passing the exams, it registered an impressive 99.70 pass percentage.
In the All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE 2014) held in March-April, 1,22,912 students passed the same. A total of 1,23,279 students had appeared, DT Sudharsana Rao, Regional Officer, CBSE, said.
With all 964 candidates spectacular performance, Puducherry registered a 100 percent pass percentage, followed by the other states and Union Territories (UT) which come under the Chennai region -- Tamil Nadu (99.94), Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (all 99.89), Goa, (99.86), Daman and Diu (99.13) and Andman and Nicobar Islands (97.79).
Girls outshone boys in all the states and UTs, with 100 percent of the appeared candidates passing the exams in Puducherry, Goa and Daman and Diu.
The total number of candidates who got 'compartment' were
Students interested in applying for verification and re-checking can get the details from the board's website, Mr Rao said.
The results were availabe on and .
In the All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE 2014) held in March-April, 1,22,912 students passed the same. A total of 1,23,279 students had appeared, DT Sudharsana Rao, Regional Officer, CBSE, said.
With all 964 candidates spectacular performance, Puducherry registered a 100 percent pass percentage, followed by the other states and Union Territories (UT) which come under the Chennai region -- Tamil Nadu (99.94), Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (all 99.89), Goa, (99.86), Daman and Diu (99.13) and Andman and Nicobar Islands (97.79).
Girls outshone boys in all the states and UTs, with 100 percent of the appeared candidates passing the exams in Puducherry, Goa and Daman and Diu.
The total number of candidates who got 'compartment' were
Students interested in applying for verification and re-checking can get the details from the board's website, Mr Rao said.
The results were availabe on and .