Cyclone Michaung has unleashed ferocious Winds in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. The cyclone Michaung is swirling over the Bay of Bengal and heading towards the Andhra coast currently. The Tamil Nadu government is taking stringent measures to shield its citizens from the relentless force of rain and winds by shutting schools, colleges, and government offices in Chennai and three adjoining districts.
Terrencial rain has been reported in north coastal Tamil Nadu, fully surrounding Chennai, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Nagapattinam, and Cuddalore districts, with Thiruvallur district bearing the pressure of the downpour.
Heavy rain is predicted in the upcoming 24 hours in Chennai and its surrounding areas.
The rainwater accumulated to the extent that the vehicles were completely submerged in water.
The water level reached the danger mark between Vyasarpadi and Basin Bridge leading to cancellation of 11 express trains from Chennai Central today.
The state government has urged private companies to allow their employees to work from home. Chief Minister MK Stalin is closely monitoring the situation and has reviewed all the safety measures last night.