This Article is From Jul 14, 2015

Human Remains Recovered With Coast Guard Plane's Wreckage


File Photo: A large part of the wreckage of missing Donier aircraft recovered.

Chennai: Human remains and personal items of the crew such a wrist watch were recovered from the seabed along with the wreckage of the Indian Coast Guard Dornier aircraft that went down into the sea on June 8, an official said today.

"Human remains, wrist watches of the crew have been recovered from the seabed. The human remains would be sent for DNA analysis for identification purposes," Inspector General (Eastern Region) Satya Prakash Singh told reporters in Chennai.

He said search operations have been called off as most of the aircraft parts been recovered.

He said the flight data recorder, commonly known as the black box, and other recovered items would be submitted to the board of inquiry to ascertain the cause of the mishap.

According to Mr Singh, the aircraft seems to have exploded in the air and crashed into the sea.

Human remains and a wrist watch of one of the crew members were found near the wreckage during Monday night's search.

He said the coastal security agency would send the human remains to Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Department for DNA test to establish the identity of the crew members.

The Dornier aircraft with deputy commandant Vidyasagar (pilot), deputy commandant Subash Suresh (co-pilot) and navigator/observer M K Soni went missing on the night of June 8 while returning to its base at Chennai airport after a surveillance sortie along the Tamil Nadu coast and Palk Bay.