In Tamil Nadu, a young student was desperate to buy a PlayStation. His father, a security guard, couldn't afford that. So the boy, who was studying in Class 9, decided to kill a neighbour who often wore gold jewellery.
His aunt and uncle signed up for his plan. They invited the woman, a senior citizen, over to their house in Sriperumbudur, less than an hour's drive from Chennai.
When the guest arrived, the student allegedly strangled her. According to the police, his aunt then hit the woman repeatedly on the head with a grinding stone.
The student and his uncle then set the body on fire nearby.
More details are awaited.
His aunt and uncle signed up for his plan. They invited the woman, a senior citizen, over to their house in Sriperumbudur, less than an hour's drive from Chennai.
When the guest arrived, the student allegedly strangled her. According to the police, his aunt then hit the woman repeatedly on the head with a grinding stone.
The student and his uncle then set the body on fire nearby.
More details are awaited.
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