Tamil Nadu's former chief minister Jayalalithaa celebrated her 67th birthday offering prayers. This was her first birthday celebration since her release from jail in connection with the 66 crore disproportionate assets case. Cakes, tree saplings, and crackers were also a part of the celebrations.
AIADMK leader Kalairajan cut a birthday cake in honour of Jayalalithaa at a cultural function near T-Nagar in Chennai. Chief Minister Panneerselvam and many of his cabinet colleagues attended the function.
Chief Minister Panneerselvam also launched a massive 67 lakh tree planting programme by planting the first sapling at the Marudeeswararar temple in Chennai. The government's statement did not specify however, that this programme was in honour of Jayalalithaa. Instead, It referred to certain afforestation programmes that she had launched when she was the chief minister.
At the Party headquarters in Chennai hundreds of party cadre led by Chief Minister O Panneerselvam and several ministers cut a huge cake and released a party souvenir in honour of their party chief.
Party cadre also burst crackers outside the party office. Handloom Minister Gokula Indira distributed sweets to cadres who had gathered to celebrate their leader's birthday. She added "We are here as leaders holding party positions, not as Ministers. No government money is used. Our only prayer is that Amma should come out of the crisis".
The birthday celebrations this year lacked the traditional glitter. The signature gifting of gold by her cadre to new born children on this day was largely missing.
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