Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami has passed an order to rename three metro stations in Chennai after three late Chief Ministers of the state.
As per the order issued by the Chief Minister, the Alandur station will be renamed as ''Arignar Anna Alandur Metro'', the Central Metro as ''Puratchi Thalaivar Dr M G Ramachandran Central Metro'' and the Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus (CMBT) Metro station as ''Puratchi Thalaivi Dr J Jayalalithaa CMBT Metro.''
The decision to rename the metro stations came after the recommendation of a high-level committee chaired by Mr Palaniswami.
The Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system in the city and it is the third largest metro system in India after Delhi Metro and Hyderabad Metro. The system commenced service in 2015 after partially opening the first phase of the project.