A 22-year-old woman in Haryana's Yamunanagar district committed suicide, allegedly over ''police inaction'' on her rape complaint, her family said.
The incident took place on Monday evening, when the woman and her family had gone to the police to know the status of her complaint.
The woman's family accused local police officers of not acting on her complaint, filed about 12 days ago.
Police said that she consumed some poisonous substance and was taken to a local hospital where she died. They said they had been investigating the complaint filed by the woman's family.
Yamunanagar Deputy Superintendent of Police Subhash Chand said the woman had eloped with a man three months ago. She had even given a statement in a court that she went the man on her own will, the police said.
Later, her family filed a rape complaint and sought action against the man, the police said.