The Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN), Madhya Pradesh Unit seized 34 bags of poppy straw weighing approx. 600 kgs, 16 kgs of Opium and Rs 2.5 lakh cash during a search at a house in village Shri Pura, Tehsil Nimbaheda, Chittorgarh, Madhya Pradesh, said a press release by CBN.
The CBN has detained one person in this regard and has also seized a car that was used for transportation of the contraband drugs.
Narcotics Commissioner of India, Rajesh F. Dhabre has given instructions to CBN field Units to organise a special anti-drug drive, considering the upcoming Assembly elections in five states. He has directed officers of CBN to Monitor the Sensitive Routes and Areas prone to Drug Trafficking and Smuggling.
A case has been registered under the provisions of the NDPS Act, 1985.
Further investigation is underway.