The Hyderabad city police, which is probing Rs 20-lakh theft from an ATM of State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) at Saidabad area here, has released the photo footage of a person who made off with the cash.
The footage of the unknown suspect, captured by the surveillance cameras installed in the ATM centre functioning in the premises of Saidabad branch of SBH at Dhobighat cross
roads, was released last night, police said.
The theft, which took place in the wee hours of Saturday came to light after two days, as the bank was closed for Sankranti festival from Friday.
Police swung into action when a customer informed the Saidabad SBH branch who in turn alerted the police.
The CCTV footage shows that the suspect opened the outer door of one of the ATM machines using a screw driver on Saturday. He then entered the ATM centre and escaped with Rs
20,05,100, police said.
The ATM centre had two machines.
The footage of the unknown suspect, captured by the surveillance cameras installed in the ATM centre functioning in the premises of Saidabad branch of SBH at Dhobighat cross
roads, was released last night, police said.
The theft, which took place in the wee hours of Saturday came to light after two days, as the bank was closed for Sankranti festival from Friday.
Police swung into action when a customer informed the Saidabad SBH branch who in turn alerted the police.
The CCTV footage shows that the suspect opened the outer door of one of the ATM machines using a screw driver on Saturday. He then entered the ATM centre and escaped with Rs
20,05,100, police said.
The ATM centre had two machines.
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