A beggar from Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh bought a moped worth Rs 90,000 for his wife after she complained of backache.
Santosh Kumar Sahu is physically challenged, and relied on his wife Munni to push him around on the tricycle they owned earlier. Munni faced difficulties while pushing the tricycle because of bad roads and extreme weather conditions.
After Munni complained of frequent backaches, Mr Sahu started collecting money to buy a bike for her. He collected Rs 90,000 over the past four years and surprised Munni with a moped on Saturday.
A video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the couple taking a ride on their garlanded moped.
The couple, who earns roughly Rs 300- Rs 400 in a day by begging at the bus stations, temples and mosques in Chhindwara, now plans to go to Seoni, Bhopal and Indore on their new moped.