This Article is From Oct 30, 2010

BEST forum for grievance redressal lies idle for 6 yrs

Mumbai: It has been six years since BEST launched the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum to address complaints of its power consumers.

However, it has received only 147 complaints till date.

Its website (, started on May 31, has not received even one.

Shirish Deshpande of Mumbai Grahak Panchayat said the low number of complaints does not imply that consumers have few complaints. There is a need to increase awareness as the forum is supposed to address problems in a short period of three months.

"The BEST can popularise it by playing ads on TV sets in its buses," he said.

BEST committee member Ravi Raja said consumers tend to approach the committee members, who get the problem solved within a few days.

"I receive at least five complaints about excess billing, faulty metering, etc. every day," he said.

Committee chairman Sanjay Potnis said BEST was taking steps to increase awareness.

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