Bihar Minister for food Narendra Singh on Thursday had a verbal duel with JD(U) party colleague Asha Devi over a trivial issue at a function organised at the state's NDA office in Patna on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.
As soon as Singh, a senior JD(U) leader, entered the NDA office where several ministers and legislators turned up to participate in the feast on the occasion, he made some remarks on seeing Asha Devi, an MLA.
This led to the verbal duel which lasted for sometime.
Later talking to reporters, Asha Devi charged the minister with misbehaving with her and said she would complain to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar against him.
Singh was, however, not available for comment.
As soon as Singh, a senior JD(U) leader, entered the NDA office where several ministers and legislators turned up to participate in the feast on the occasion, he made some remarks on seeing Asha Devi, an MLA.
This led to the verbal duel which lasted for sometime.
Later talking to reporters, Asha Devi charged the minister with misbehaving with her and said she would complain to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar against him.
Singh was, however, not available for comment.