Within a matter of seconds, a three-storeyed building collapsed in Uttar Pradesh's Agra on Sunday. The dramatic collapse sent up a blanket of dust. The incident, which took place in Agra's Teele Wali Gali area near Mankameshwar temple, was caught on camera. The video of the building collapse, which fell like a pack of cards, became viral on social media. The reason for the building collapse, which was earlier not known, is now pinned on the mischievous rats.
Watch video here:
WATCH: 3 storey building collapse in Agra's Teele Wali Gali area. No casualty reported. pic.twitter.com/QPAbkc2oj6
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 15, 2018
On Saturday, a building collapsed in Rajasthan's Kota and four people were rescued from the debris and one more person was feared to be trapped.
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